Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Regreat for Dinner

I called Fayt (after I got over being stripped by Maddie) and told that I had a dinner to go to. He let me off the hook, and told me to have fun. I know I wouldn't. At least there would be one thing there that would brighten up that dinner...so I thought.

My friends (Dr. Maddie, Dr. Cedric and long with our student Dr. Artemis Woods) and myself were sitting at the table in the front. I shivered a little because I knew old women were smiling and staring at me. A few were alseep. The dinner was boring as always, old people came up and hugged me and kissed my cheek. I pittied the young kids who were here and had gotten the same treatment. If only she-

"Uncle Edward!" A voice I knew came up from behind me and soon I found myself on the floor with a young girl on me. It was Jessica. Oh I forgot, her father is a doctor (Rodney) who worked for the Nursing Home. She had met me when I was still a student, around seven I think. Now she was all grown up (sixteen) and she still calls me Uncle Edward.

"Jess, hey hun." I said and hugged her tightly. She had gotten so pretty, so I had to take a picture to show to Fayt.

Just then her father came up to us and shook my hand. She was an older man, around 48 I think, with a very weird personality. He went off to talk to Maddie and Cedric. Then I took my chance. I grabbed hold of Jess and ran out with her to the balcany. It was freezing cold, and already snowing, but we didn't seem to mind. Jess went and hung on the metal bars of the balcany. Then, when I was watching her, I remember the last time I saw her.

"Jess...how are you doing?" I said softly, keeping my voice low. She turned and smiled at me sad, I hated when she tried to hide herself from me. "Good...better..." Was all she said and she turned away from me, as if to hide her sadness.

A few months ago one of her friends Erik killed himself. He was pyhcodic and he was very sick. He and Jess were very close, and I found out from her that she even loved him very much. They made a promise when he went into the hospital that he wouldn't do anything to himself if she wouldn't...but he broke his promise to her. Jess, like Erik was going through depression. Erik was the only one she could talk to about those things, but when he got sick it was hard for her to hold back her tears. The worse thing was...he was under my care.

"Jess..." I called out when I saw her lean over the edge a little. I could see wet spots on her cheeks as she tried to hold back from crying. "I...I promised...I-I can't..." She said and ran into my arms, sobbing. "Its not fair! Its not fair!" Jess repeted those words over and over as her makeup smeared on my dress shirt. I didn't mind...as long as she came to me crying and not a knife or a cliff. "Its okay...shhhh..."

I felt so much regreat for what happened that day. I was watching Erik and I only left for two minutes. It was all it took for him to hang himself with the IV. He even made sure that we could bring him back by shoving things down his throat, brake the surenges of medican and everything else. He was smart, but still stupid for leaving Jess alone to fend for herself.

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